EDT Lesson #2: Correct Positioning 1

What are EDT lessons? Check out the below introduction to your Essential Driver Training, from the Road Safety Authority.

What is covered in EDT Lesson #2?

Lesson 2 is an introduction on positioning the car correctly on the road. We will cover moving off and stopping the car safely, your position in traffic lanes, turning left and right, navigating roundabouts and changing lanes


Here is an ISM video guide to observation moving off as well as your use of mirrors. 

An easy way to remember how to perform your safety checks for moving off is by using the POMroutine:

PPrepare (select your gear, keep your hand on handbrake, find biting point)

OObserve (do your 6-point check)

MMove (signal, release handbrake, move off if it is safe to do so)


Use the initialism ‘MSPSL’ for turning left, turning right, and stopping:

MMirrors (inside/rearview for left turns and stopping to the left, inside/rearview and right for right turns)

SSignal (left for left turns and stopping, right for right turns)

PPosition (position the car correctly for the action)

SSpeed (reduce your speed safely)

LLook (for a safe place to stop, or observe if it is safe to make your turn)


What is your 6-Point-Check?

1: Left Blind Spot

2: Left Door (side) Mirror

3: Front Windscreen

4: Inside (rearview) Mirror

5: Right Door (side) Mirror

6: Right Blind Spot


But where are the blindspots? Click on the below video to find out!

Road & Lane Position


Further reading from the Road Safety Authority below.
